The federal government says new funding will open defence industry pathways for school students in SA and WA.

The Albanese Government has committed $5.1 million to the Schools Pathways Program (SPP), aimed at enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and fostering career pathways in the defence industry for students in South Australia and Western Australia. 

The funding comes as a part of the Australian Government's Defence Industry Development Strategy, in collaboration with the state governments of South Australia and Western Australia.

The SPP is designed to immerse students in defence industry experiences through project-based learning, industry visits, presentations, and challenges. 

It also aims to establish connections between students and mentors from the defence sector, offering a network of highly skilled professionals. 

Teachers and carers will be provided with professional development opportunities and practical information to facilitate discussions about defence career pathways with students.

While defence industries are important to the economies of SA and WA, the scheme’s focus on the defence industry could raise concerns about the educational and ethical implications of directing young minds towards a singular sector, especially one with profound societal impacts. Additionally, the emphasis on defence could divert attention and resources from other vital areas of STEM fields.

Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery, Pat Conroy, says the SPP will have many practical benefits.

“The Schools Pathways Program provides practical career awareness activities for secondary school students and creates links between schools and defence industry,” he said. 

“Our critical national defence projects, including conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines, are delivered by a highly educated, highly trained workforce with cutting-edge skills and capabilities. 

“The SPP is an instrumental mechanism in Defence’s strategic approach to ensuring a highly skilled workforce pipeline to support future defence industry needs.”