New polling has found that a growing number of Australians fear renewable energy will exacerbate financial pressures.

According to a recent Ipsos survey, while 59 per cent of Australians support the transition to renewable energy, 41 per cent are worried about the impact on their power bills. 

This is a 10 percentage point increase in financial concern compared to the 2022 survey.

The study highlights a shift in public priorities, with 59 per cent of Australians now wanting energy prices to be prioritised during the energy transition, a 13 percentage point rise since last year.

Additionally, 57 per cent of respondents emphasised the importance of reliable energy supply to homes and businesses.

“Austalians are supportive of the energy transition, but there’s not a strong belief that it’s already underway,” said Stuart Clark, Director of Public Affairs at Ipsos Australia. 

“The cost-of-living environment is causing many Australians to question the impacts of the energy transition on their households' finances. And that is reducing the appetite for Australia to take a leading role in the global transition.”

The Ipsos report also uncovers significant scepticism and a lack of understanding about national climate change actions. 

Half of the surveyed Australians believe there are no concrete plans for the energy transition, or that it will not happen at all. 

This scepticism is likely fueled by misinformation and disinformation, with 54 per cent of respondents admitting they do not understand the actions being taken to address climate change.

Key findings from the Ipsos study include:

  • Support for Energy Transition:

    • 59 per cent of Australians support the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

    • Support is consistent across all demographic groups, strongest in inner regional areas (66 per cent) and among Gen Z and Millennials (61 per cent).

  • Financial Concerns:

    • 41 per cent believe the transition will negatively impact cost-of-living.

    • Concerns about household energy bills have risen by 7 percentage points since 2022.

  • Priorities for Energy Transition:

    • 59 per cent want energy prices prioritised, up 13 percentage points.

    • 57 per cent stress the importance of reliable energy supply.

  • Scepticism and Understanding:

    • Half believe there are no plans for the energy transition, or that it will not happen.

    • 45 per cent think it is unlikely Australia will meet its 2030 emissions reduction targets.

  • Belief in Misinformation:

    • Many Australians find contentious statements about the energy transition believable, such as:

    • Transitioning to renewable energy will lead to increased household energy prices (68 per cent).

    • Electric cars are as harmful to the planet as petrol cars (58 per cent).

    • Wind farms consume more energy to build than they provide (50 per cent).

The full report is accessible here.