One of the keynote speakers at the country’s largest mining conference, American economist Todd Buchholtz, has raised concerns over the industry’s dependence on continued Chinese growth.

Mr Buchholtz told an audience at the Diggers and Dealers conference that he believed there was a 10 to 15 year window in which the Australian mining sector would enjoy continued demand in minerals and resources from China, but that there would come a time when demand could not be taken for granted.

"China has been a locomotive of growth. China will continue for the next 10-15 years to be a locomotive for growth," Mr Buchholtz said.

New Fortescue chief executive Nev Power has announced that the company was “deeply disappointed” by its recent market performance despite consistently strong share price growth.

Rio Tinto and Mitsubishi have made an informal bid of $122 per share to take full ownership of Coal & Allied Industries. The bid values the company at $10.6 billion, a 34% increase on the closing price last week.

BHP Billiton has signed a Heads of Agreement with Leighton Holdings to acquire HWE Mining subsidiaries for $705 million.

GHD has been contracted by BHP Billiton Iron Ore to provide engineering, procurement and construction management  (EPCM) services for non-process infrastructure projects to support their US$7.4 billion capacity expansion in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The substantial decline in coal output has prompted the Reserve Bank of Australia to slash its gross domestic product forecast for the 2011-12 financial year by one percentage point.

WestNet Rail and Karara Mining Limited (KML) have signed a long-term rail access agreement for the Karara Iron Ore Project.

Nickel mining giant Western Areas WL has announced that it will complete its shipment contract with China’s Jinchuan Group months ahead of schedule.

Xstrata has announced it will halt its attempts to break into the uranium market, blaming hostile attitudes and a highly competitive local market.

CSIRO’s Dr Neal Wai Poi will lead the development of a major new international mining and mineral processing research centre based in Santiago, Chile.

Port Hedland has retained its title as the world’s largest bulk export port after recording a record-breaking year in which $40 billion in exports was handled by the facility.

Mining giant Rio Tinto has requested that the High Court overturn a Federal Court ruling that would see its non-union pay and condition agreements in the Pilbara region rendered invalid.

The New South Wales Government has denied allegations of plans to lift the state’s ban on uranium mining and exploration, despite the state Opposition and Greens claiming the State Government would readily change its stance.

Departing South Australian Premier Mike Rann will hold his position until the $18.2 billion Olympic Dam expansion project deal is finalised with the signing of an indenture agreement.

Queensland has strengthened its position as an emerging liquefied natural gas (LNG) export hub after the proponents of the Australia Pacific Liquefied Natural Gas (APLNG) project have made their final investment decision.

Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has announced plans to expand its bauxite refining operations in a bid to grow its export market in China.

A report published by Deloitte Access Economics shows that the Western Australian economy is set to continue to prosper for decades on the back of jobs and export growth.

Research conducted by the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) shows that nearly two-thirds of large companies are considering hiring from overseas in order mitigate the effects of the growing skills shortage.

Mining unions have won a landmark legal victory that is set to allow them bargaining rights over pay and conditions at the booming Pilbara iron ore operations of Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton.

The South Australian Government’s decision to halt all mining in the Arkaroola region in the State’s far-north stands to stall uranium exploration in the area.

BHP Billiton has recorded its highest profit in its history after posting a first-half net profit of $10.6 billion, representing a 71 per cent jump in profits.

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